Our purpose is to enable the people who are called by God to preach, by making their load lighter, by providing them with financial support, and aids that their ministry might need.
Our vision is not to promote any kind of denomination but, the word of God. Our goal is to support local missionaries in Africa, by aiding people who has the calling to go to the remote places and preach the good news of Christ.
Support local missionaries in Africa, provide Bibles, financial support, cloths and shoes, etc... to the missionary and the community they serve.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal. 6:2). Sponsor a missionary to spread the gospel.
Clean water means health - Diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.
Building a missionary school - Train those who are called