Who we are
Our Primary Aim is Sharing the Good News!
Gospel for Asia's mission is to share the Good News of Jesus with those who have never heard his name. We train and send national missionaries to reach out into areas where the Good News of Jesus Christ has not yet been heard.
The Great Commission is classified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a nonprofit (501) (c) (3) charitable organization. All donations to The Great Commission are tax deductible in the United States of America. For IRS purposes, our organization is under Reach Out Ministry.
How is Reaching the Most Unreached Accomplished?
Through National (or Indigenous) Missionaries: The Great Commission support and sends national missionaries because they have proven extremely effective. They are already familiar with the language and culture, and they live at the level of the people they serve, thus removing many social barriers.
Through Prayer: The foundation of The Great Commission ministry is prayer. We know that nothing is accomplished without prayer, and therefore we give it a place of priority.
Through Donors, Sponsors and Volunteers: Giving takes many forms at The Great Commission. Some give out of financial abundance; others, as in the story of the widow's mite, give out of great need. And, of course, the missionaries on the field sacrifice their entire lives to His service. No matter what our role is—whether missionary sponsor, volunteer, support or field missionary—we have all given ourselves over to the call of Christ that we might be used for His glory.
By Faith: The Great Commission sends 100 percent of the money you donate for work on the mission field to the field. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses.
Working With Others: The Great Commission works with and assists ministries in many Africa. None of these entities comes under The Great Commission or are legally affiliated with us.
Why are we reaching the most unreached?
Jesus commanded us to reach them
We are called: There are many serving Jesus across the world, and The Great Commission is privileged to be serving Him in Africa.
The need is great: Even as millions live in total spiritual darkness, the Church in the West spends less than 1 percent of its total resources on sharing the Good News with the most unreached.
About National Missionaries
With few or no cultural barriers to overcome ...
With few or no cultural barriers to overcome, national missionaries can readily share the love of Christ to those who, unlike their western counterparts, have never heard. Although national missionaries do face many difficult obstacles as they take the message from village to village, they still have an enormous advantage over their coworkers from North America.
Your part in winning Africa ...
Your part in winning Africa is just as important as that of the workers on the field. Although they are willing and eager to go, they are limited by the resources given to provide a small room to rent, food to eat, and Bibles and tracts to distribute.
Without support from Christians around the world, our brothers and sisters in Africa simply would not be able to complete the task of sharing Christ with every village and people group.
It takes between $200 to $300 per month to support a national missionary through The Great Commission. You can help support one worker with a monthly donation. As a sponsor, you are asked to pray regularly for your missionary.
Our ministry is about changing lives—both for this life and for eternity.
We are committed as a family of believers to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with lost men, women and children throughout Africa who have still not heard His precious name.
We rejoice to see the mighty works of God as individual lives are transformed and whole villages experience the love of Christ.
We join our hearts to be the hands and feet of Jesus, for such a time as this. Together, by His Spirit, we can reach this generation.
"And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher" — Romans 10:14
Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and to fulfill the Great Commission among the unreached in Africa through training, sending out and assisting qualified laborers in partnership with the Body of Christ.
Training Laborers
The Great Commission in the future will have a Bible colleges men and women will be studying God's Word and undergoing intensive training in preparation for ministry. Through their training, where weekend and summer outreach will be an important part, the students will help many come to the saving knowledge of Christ. Most of the Bible college graduates will go on to minister in areas where the Gospel has never been proclaimed.
We Believe ...
That the Bible is the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God. It is the complete revelation of His will for salvation and the only unfailing rule of faith and practice for the Christian life.
In one God, Creator of all things, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that these three are co-eternal and of equal dignity and power.
In the deity of Jesus Christ; His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His substitutionary death on a cross; His bodily resurrection; His ascension to the right hand of the Father; and His personal, imminent return.
That man was created by and for God; that by man's disobeying God, every person incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death as a consequence; and that all people are sinners by nature and practice.
The Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and that all who believe in Him are declared righteous because of His sacrificial death and are, therefore, in right relationship with God.
In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit indwelling all believers and thus enabling and empowering the life and ministry of the believer.
In the bodily resurrection of everyone who has lived, the everlasting blessedness of those in right relationship with God, and the everlasting punishment of those who have rejected God's forgiveness in His Son.
The Great Commission is firmly committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively in Christ's name.
100% of what you give toward sponsorship goes to the field. This is our practice from the beginning.
100% to the Field
Since the ministry began, we have sent 100% percent of what you give toward sponsoring a missionary the field.
Our administrative costs are covered through donations designated "General Donation".